Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday Ten: Cartoons

Being a child of the eighties and ninties, I feel like I had access to some of the best cartoons ever to be made. Animation these days isn't up to the same par. They go for simiplar designs, computer animated designs, and the quatlity is just...lacking. There are some exceptions, but only a few made my list.

10. X-Men: Evolution (2000-2003)
Cashing in on the success of the X-Men film franchise, the WB aired a show which cast the majority of the X-Men characters as high school students. Definitely not following the comics in many regards, it was still a fun series. I particularly enjoyed the Brotherhood getting more screentime as major players rather than just as villains. You cared about them like you cared about the X-Men. And while Evolution is the only place to EVER feature a romance between Shadowcat and Avalanche(who was completely revamped from his comic counterpart), it was adorable. But it didn't stop them from giving a nod to comic fans and allowing Kitty to flirt with Colossus later in the season. Sadly, this series only lasted four seasons, but they were able to wrap up their storyline and give a hint as to what could have happened if the series continued. Their introduction of X-23 led to a new comic book series being made about her, thus allowing the Evolution series to live on in some way shape or form. Season 1-3 were made available on DVD, season four is available through iTunes.

9. Batman: The Animated Series (1992-1995)
Fox kids was the highlight of my saturday morning cartoon happiness. They had shows I would watch religously, and they really didn't disappoint when it came to superhero cartoons...well, scratch that, I was NOT a fan of The Tick, but that is not what I am here to discuss. haha. Batman was dark. It was one of those franchises that is so easy to follow: rich man who is a superhero at night. The villains were fun. The animation was beautiful. One day I will get around to buying the DVDs, but I just haven't had the extra money yet (I was buying X-Men DVDs instead. oops)

8. He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (1983-1985)
While I much prefered She-Ra at the time, being a little girl, He-Man was MUCH too boyish for me most of the time and there just weren't enough girl characters to keep me interested for long, I still would watch it when waiting for my other shows to come on. Jem, Transformers, G.I. Joe, Thundercats...they are all very foggy and vague in my mind. He-Man and She-Ra stand out vividly, and I will always enjoy rewatching the both of them. Even if Orko annoys the snot out of me. Cringer/Battlecat is my hero. And I want one.

7. Wolverine and the X-Men (2008-2009)
I must admit, the moment I heard that there was a cartoon called WOLVERINE and the X-Men I bitched and bitched and bitched some more. Not only was the X-Men movie franchised focused WAY too much on the character rather than the ensemble itself, but now they are going to devote a whole cartoon to him? *sigh* Well, I was pleasantly surprised by it. The only issue I had with the animation was it was bright and too similar to the last handful of episodes The Animated Series dished out before being cancelled. I like the darker animation of the early cartoons. Call me a cartoon snob. But the storyline was actually really good and they had good reason for Wolverine to be "leading" at the moment. While one would expect Cyclops and Storm to be automatic leaders if the Professor disappeared, Jean's disappearance renders Cyclops useless, and Storm went off to deal with other things. (P.S. I HATED Storm's hair in this cartoon. It was like a giant oval behind her head. Srsly, animatiors!) Unfortunatley, despite ending on a HUGE cliffhanger, and I REALLY wanted to see how they tackled Apocalypse, the show was cancelled after only one season. I blame the fact that they aired on an obscure cable channel not everyone has or watches. Nicktoon Network? Really?

6. Pirates of Dark Water (1991-1992)
This was a very interesting cartoon that didn't get nearly enough attention. A young man discovers he's really a prince and sets out upon a quest. The dark water in the title was actually a "carniverous" form of water that would devour anything it comes across. It has been so long since I have seen this cartoon that the minor details are a bit hard to remember, and as it hasn't been released on DVD I cannot refresh those memories without seeking bootlegs of the cartoon. I really hope they release it on DVD eventually.

5. Aladdin (1994-1995)
Out of all the disney films they have tried making into successful cartoon shows, I think this might have been my favorite. While Tale Spin had an interesting concept, it lacked the originality of the Jungle Book setting. Aladdin was true to it's film roots and was a lot of fun. The Little Mermaid was a bit too..something. I don't know. I never enjoyed it as much as Aladdin. Perhaps it is because adventure seemed more adventurous with swords and magic carpets. And I had a serious crush on Aladdin.

4. Peter Pan and the Pirates (1990-1991)
Okay, Tim Curry voiced Captain Hook. Need I say more? Yes? Okay, well, this is one of those cartoons many people don't remember ever existed. But I loved it. I was always a fan of Peter Pan, and I liked having the chance to visit NeverLand every day after school TinkerBell was actually likable and not green with jealousy over Peter and Wendy the whole time. It was a lot of fun, and completely overlooked when it comes to cartoon awesomeness.

3. Chip and Dale: Rescue Rangers (1989-1992)
Already a big Chip and Dale fan (the chipmunks, people. The chipmunks!) A tv series based on them seemed like a great idea. Throw in two awesome mice and a housefly in a red sweater and you've got a good time. And who didn't think the love triangle between Chip/Gadget/and Dale was just to freaking adorable for words? (I always wanted her to get with Chip)

2. She-Ra: Princess of Power (1985-1987)
Girl Power never was so awesome. And I wish I had She-ra's skirt. She can do flips, cartwheels, kicks in midair, and it NEVER flashes her undies. I am truly jealous. haha. This was probably the first cartoon series I ever truly loved. I wanted to BE her. But I think my favorite character was Frosta, who I think was a queen of a frozen land on the planet of Etheria. There is an episode with her and He-Man that cracks me up everytime I watch it. She is ALL OVER him while She-ra and the other characters laugh, and He-Man blushes and makes excuses to get away. It's amazing!

1. X-Men: The Animated Series (1992-1997)
I would argue that this is the best cartoon ever, or at least the best cartoon about superheros ever, but I will not bore you with such....
Whether it is Rogue and Gambit's love that cannot be acted on because Rogue cannot touch another person with her skin without possibly killing them, Cyclops and Jean's never being able to be married without some catastrophe destroying the day, Wolverine's love fro Jean Grey even though she loves Cyclops more, or...well, you get the picture. The animation was beautifula nd truly brought the comics to life. The look JUST like their comic counterparts. Other than the last few eps where the animation changes and the voice actors for some of the characters (Gambit) changes to the worse, I can't find too much wrong with it. Well, there is a season 3 episode that doesn't air until season 5, and it is confusing because it is part of the Phoenix storyline. But, who can deny the show was much awesome over a delayed episode :P
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Updated cover art

Just updates my cover art page. I am particularly fond of this one:
Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday Ten: Book Series

Those who know me know that I read A LOT. These are the book series that I have enjoyed the most (thus far)

10. The Sorority - Tamara Thorne
Number of books in series: 3
Reading Order: Eve, Merilynn, Samantha
Genre: Horror

One of my favorite horror authors, Tamara Thorne creates a story of murder and mystery involving the Green Man. It was different from many things I had read before, and I recommend her works to anyone who likes scary stories. :)

9. Children of the Sea - Virgina Kantra
Number of novels in series: 4 in print, more in the works. 2 novellas.
Reading order: novella in Shifter anthology, Sea Witch, Sea Fever, Sea Lord, novella in Burning Up anthology, Immortal Sea
Genre: Paranormal Romance

I must admit I picked this one up for the GORGEOUS cover art. But reading these books is almost like reading a modern fairy tale. The Children of the Sea are Selkies and Finfolk (shapeshifter that change into sea creatures). Different from the typical vampire or werewolf, and the stories draw you in; as do the characters.

8. Sookie Stackhouse Mysteries - Charlaine Harris
Number of books in series: 10 with more in progress, and a book of short stories.
Reading Order: Book of short stories take place at various points in the series. Novel order is: Dead Until Dark, Living Dead in Dallas, Club Dead, Dead to the World, Dead as a Doornail, Definitely Dead, All Together Dead, From Dead to Worse, Dead and Gone, Dead in the Family
Genre: mixed

You may recognize this as the books the True Blood series on HBO is based on. I recognize it as the books I read to drool over Eric Northman. Blond Viking Vampire. Need I say more?

7. Lords of the Underworld - Gena Showalter
Number of Books in series: 6 with more to come, one novella, two short stories.
Reading Order: 2 short stories in Into the Dark anthology, one is a prequel the other can be read at any time. The Darkest Night, The Darkest Kiss, The Darkest Pleasure, The Darkest Whisper, Heart of Darkness anthology, The Darkest Passion, The Darkest Lie
Genre: Paranormal Romance

I love a series with a foothold in mythology. This one is rooted in Greek myth, and the heroes (and a few heroines) are immortal warriors possessed with a demon lord once trapped in Pandora's box.

6.  Harry Potter - J.K. Rowling
Number of Books: 7
Reading Order: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Genre: Children's/Young Adult

Such a fun series at time, seriously dark at others. What a ride it was reading Harry's story as the battle between Voldemort and himself drew closer and closer.

5. The Black Dagger Brotherhood - J. R. Ward
Number of Books: 8, more in progress. Insider's Guide.
Reading Order: Dark Lover, Lover Eternal, Lover Awakened, Lover Revealed, Lover Unbound, Lover Enshrined, Lover Avenged, Lover Mine
Genre: Paranormal Romance/Urban Fantasy

Such an interesting take on vampires. Complete with a writing style of her own kind, Ward makes her series stand out from others in a number of ways. And she isn't afraid to cross boundaries to do it.

4. Outlander - Diana Gabaldon
Number of Books: 7, one more in progress, graphic novel, and companion.
Reading Order: Outlander, Dragonfly in Amber, Voyager, Drums of Autumn, The Fiery Cross, A Breath of Snow and Ashes, An Echo in the Bone. Graphic novel, The Exile, can be read as a companion to Outlander, starting a little bit before, and ending a fraction of the way through the timeline of the original novel.
Genre: mixed

It is hard to classify this series. It has historical aspects, contemporary segments, time travel, paranormal, mystery, romance, and more. But what makes this series so huge (other than the page lengths of the novels themselves) is the love between Claire and Jamie Fraser. Oh, James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser, I love you! It is almost difficult to read another book after finishing these because you become so used to Gabaldon's attention to detail that others sometimes seem lacking.

3. The Dark-Hunter Series - Sherrilyn Kenyon
Books in Series: 19 with more coming soon, 5 novellas, Companion book, short stories, spinoff series, manga series.
Reading Order: can be found at
Genre: Paranormal Romance, spinoff is YA

Acheron is one of those novels that stand apart from the rest of the romance genre. If those who criticize romance were to read this particular book, they might change their tone. However, do not rush out to read this book without reading the books that precede it. Half the fun of Acheron (er...part one isn't too fun) is piecing together the puzzle pieces collected from previous books. The characters in the series are incredibly fun. One of those series that I rush out to buy the new ones on release day, devour it that day, then pout because I have to wait for the next one.

2. The Forbidden Game - L. J. Smith
Books in Series: 3
Reading Order: The Hunter, The Chase, The Kill
Genre: Young Adult

This is the series that really made me love reading. The series that got me hooked on Norse mythology, and created my first obsession with a book character. Oh, Julian. I still love you!

Definitely the best of all Smith's trilogies and series. The Vampire Diaries gets all the attention, but The Forbidden Game earns your attention.

1. The Fever Series - Karen Marie Moning
Books in Series: 5
Reading Order: Darkfever, Bloodfever, Faefever, Dreamfever, Shadowfever (1/18/2011)
Genre: Urban Fantasy

When a fantastic romance author switches genres, it creates chaos among the readers. Will it be any good? Can she do that? Will we see the characters from her other series ever again? Yes, yes, and yes. She nailed it. MacKayla Lane has to be one of the best heroines of this day and age, even if she was slightly too stupid to live when the first book starts off. She earns our respect, and she earns our tears. When her story comes to an end in January, it will be bittersweet. We've been dying for the conculsion to this story, but when it is over it is least there will be more books set in the Fever world, and a graphic novel. And you know there has to be reasons any series can knock Julian from the top of my list....V'lane. The single most sexiest blond in all of the written universe. I *heart* him.
Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday Ten: Movies

Going to try something a little bit different. On mondays I am going to go through a sorta top ten of favorites. I feel like I need to blog more often and this will give me something to look forward to blogging about, other than just to say I updated pages and what not. The first one will be my favorite movies. These aren't movies I feel are the best movies ever made, but are my favorites (to date, favorites tend to change since new things are always coming out to surprise us).

10. Fierce Creatures (1997)
Directors: Fred Schepisi, Robert Young
Cast: John Cleese, Jamie Lee Curtis, Kevin Kline
Why I love it: This was a movie I stumbled across accidently. While still living at home during my college years, I had the television set to HBO while procrastinating from my school work. I don't even remember what movie I was watching prior to this one, but I laughed through this entire movie, went out the following day and bought it on DVD. The animals are soooo cute. The concept was entertaining: to generate more funds, a new director at a zoo decides to focus on only fierce animals because predators are more "interesting" to the public. Of course, they have to do something with the non-fierce animals, and when John Cleese's character ends up with all the animals he supposedly put down, many fun escapades abound. Jamie Lee Curtis and Kevin Kline's character are 100% convinced he is having sexual encounters with all the women employees of the zoo through the entire film when he isn't.
9. Alice in Wonderland (1951)
Directors: Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson, Hamilton Luske
Cast (Voices): Kathryn Beaumont, Sterling Holloway, Ed Wynn
Why I love it: Does the picture to the left not answer this question? I am biased because I collect Cheshire Cats and adore Alice in Wonderland. But there is a good reason this adaptation beats out the many others, including the Tim Burton 2010 film which I looooooved. I grew up with this movie, I know it practically by heart. Out of the many Disney films I love, this one is my favorite; more so than any of the princess films or even some of their live action movies I watched as a kid (The Three Lives of Thomasina and Charlie the Lonesome Cougar come to mind). It's a fun movie. It's so weird and crazy, but who doesn't wish to visit a Wonderland every once and a while to escape reality?
8. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
Director: Gore Verbinski
Cast: Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush, Orlando Bloom, and Kiera Knightly
Why I love it: Pirates! Romance! Period costumes! Yeah, you will notice a trend of my favorite films. Most of them are period films. I can't help it, but I love period films. All the Pirates of the Caribbean films were fun and action packed, but the first one will always be the best. Meeting Captain Jack Sparrow for the first time was a real treat. I still say Depp was robbed of his Oscar. Maybe he can land yet another nomination with the fourth film in the franchise coming up soon. (Can I just say how happy I am Will and Elizabeth will not be returning for the next film. Feeding my man to the friggin kraken in the second film did NOT endear me to Elizabeth. And Will, well, as much as I do love Orlando Bloom, Will was a little too "good." Or maybe I just prefer dirty, sneaky pirates like Jack Sparrow... ;)

7. Pathfinder (2007)
Director: Marcus Nispel
Cast: Karl Urban, Moon Bloodgood, Clancy Brown
Why I love it: What could Karl Urban do after playing a hot Viking from Middle Earth (who was BLOND!!!) to make me love him more? The answer is simple: play another hot Viking, wear a loin cloth with leather chaps, and run around in furs and sweaty sexiness and wave his sword around. Okay, I am a single woman with raging hormones... I am allowed to lust. Plus, he was a Viking. It is a weakness of mind. The story itself is dark. Vikings come to North America, destroy everything in their path, and a young boy is left behind after being beaten severely for not participating. The Native Americans raise him as his own and he has to protect (and avenge some of them) when the Vikings return. It is hard to watch several scenes, but the cinematography and the stunning beauty of the film itself is amazing. While I have issues with the horned helms, I will give them the benefit of making the Vikings (who are the bad guys in this film, unfortunately) look like demons.

6. Rear Window (1954)
Director: Alfred Hitchcock
Cast: James Stewart, Grace Kelly
Why I love it: Suspense, drama, a damn good story telling. Anyone who can make watching neighbors out their apartment window interesting is a genius, and Hitchcock is worthy of such a title. James Stewart believes he is the sole witness to a murder and tries to prove it, even though he is stuck in a wheelchair because of an accident. Grace Kelly is the love interest and she is beautiful as ever (damn her). The simplicity of the plot itself makes it work. Current movies have so many plot lines going on that it is hard to keep up with what the main plot really is. Such a direct plot is refreshing to go back to once and a while.

5. Repo! The Genetic Opera (2008)
Director: Darren Lynn Bousman
Cast: Alexa Vega, Anthony Head, Terrance Zdunich, Sarah Brightman
Why I love it: I see this movie as the Rocky Horror Picture Show of the new generation. I hear there are people dressing up in character and acting the film out and singing with it with live audiences. The concept: in the future, a biotech company, GeneCo, supplies organs for transplants when organ failure is at an uncommon high. Afterwards, people become "addicted to the knife" and have several surgeries as fashion statements. Because the organs being transpanted are available through financing, a repoman can come and take the organs back (thus killing people gruesomely) if you don't pay. Despite the fact Paris Hilton is in the movie, it is amazingly good. Plus, Paris' face falls makes it more bearable. ;)

4. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
Directors: Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones
Cast: Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Eric Idle, Terry Jones
Why I love it: Because it is made of much awesome. So much awesome, mind you, that I quote it constantly without realizing it. Lancelot's murderous rampage to the severity of the French taunting, to Galahad's...ahem...great peril at the Castle Anthrax to the Bridge of Death, if I ever want to just spend a few hours laughing, I watch this movie. It is satire and silliness at its best.

3. Interview with the Vampire (1994)
Director: Neil Jordan
Cast: Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Antonio Banderas
Why I love it: Well, when reading the book Brad's Louis looks more like Armand in my mind and vice versa, but I will not argue too strongly as Armand in the books bores me to tears, and I would hate to only have Brad to look at in one part of the film. However, the thing that truly makes this movie work for me is Tom Cruise as Lestat. I love Lestat in the books. Love him. Interview is told from Louis' POV, which makes Lestat come off in a really bad light. Despite all this, as much as I am not a Tom Cruise fan, no one else will ever be able to capture this character the way he has. He has truly immortalized the role as his. I do like Stewart Townsend,  but Queen of the Damned pained me. He was a hot vampire, but he was no Lestat. This film is beautiful, tragic, and horrifying.
2. Pride & Prejudice (2005)
Director: Joe Wright
Cast: Kiera Knightly, Matthew MacFadyen
Why I love it: One of the ultimate love stories ever told, the beauty of the film and the characters make you fall in love with it. Please, marry me Mr. Darcy! I want one! Other than Donald Sutherland's lack of accent, I can't find a single thing about this movie I can complain about. Maybe it is because I am a sappy girl, but I just adore this film. I never read any Jane Austin in school, which is surprising being an English Literature major, but after seeing the movie I had to buy the book. I didn't read it until recently, and I really enjoyed it.
1. The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
Director: Joel Schumacher
Cast: Gerard Butler, Emmy Rossum, Patrick Wilson
Why I love it: It's one of my favorite stories. The Leroux novel, the play, the retelling by Susan Kay... I have always told people that a book or movie never really moves me unless it can make me cry. It is easier to cry to a film than it is to a book. The character of Erik (the Phantom) has always broken my heart. He's seen as an antagonist in most versions of the story, this one included. Susan Kay makes him the protagonist, and any time you view his situation from his side, it is hard not to wish Christine would have kicked Raoul to the curb and frolicked down to the Phantom's lair beneath the Paris Opera House. But the story is a tragedy, and you can't have tragedy if it ends the way you want. The thing that I do have to mention about this adaptation is they make Raoul less of a wuss in this one. He jumps onto a horse and rides bareback to the cemetery to tango with the Phantom. It's a far cry from Raoul of the Leroux novel cowering in the torture chamber wanting to blow his brains out rather than keep fighting to get to Christine. But...he still doesn't believe Christine when she begs him to take her away after the Il Muto production and look what happens because of it. Men, they never listen! :P
That's it, folks. But if you were wondering which films were sadly just short of making the cut, they include (in no particular order): Shaun of the Dead, Bridget Jones' Diary, Sleepy Hollow, Halloween (1978), and The Amityville Horror (1979)