Thursday, September 16, 2010

Updates/Coming Soon

I've updated the Cover Art pages with buy links, and I added the newest books I've completed edits on to the Editing page. I also added a few blogs and websites, I wanted to add more, but I am about to have to leave for work so more will be added at a later time.

I turn 26 this Sunday. AHHHHHHH! I swear I was only 18 a couple years ago. Where did the time go?!

The day after my birthday, Liquid Silver is releasing two of the books I edited. I am sure they didn't do it on purpose, but hey, I thought it was a great present (everyone go buy them!).

The first is a Halloween story by Sandra Sookoo, Hunter's Moon Magic. It's a quick read and it is cute and sexy. I enjoyed it, and so will you.

The second is a longer story, the longest I've edited from LSB. It is called Blood Bonds by Adrienne C. Wilder. It's urban fantasy, featuring dragons and taking place in Georgia. A word of caution, there are a few pretty gorey scenes, so if blood makes you squimish you need to be forewarned ahead of time. Otherwise, it was a very interesting concept. Different from a lot of paranormal/urban fantasy I've seen.

Again, both books come out Monday, September 20, at Liquid Silver Books. Happy reading!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I don't remember if I ever posted about my new kitty. My sis and her boyfriend bought her for me as an early birthday gift. She's going on five months of age this month, and she's adorable. I named her after the panther in The Jungle Book.

Today she has been acting crazy because this caterpillar is on the window and she can't get it. LOL completely crazy! I have a video of her playing the other night and just going nuts attached after the pics.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Meeting Sherrilyn Kenyon / Book Resolutions

I didn't get a chance to blog yesterday, but I finally met Sherrilyn Kenyon. I got my copies of No Mercy, Infinity, and the two graphic Lords of Avalon novels signed. I confessed to being the infamous editor of the "Carnival of Rust" fan video, and had a great time!

No Mercy was a great book! I may be bias because Dev has been my favorite Were since the series began, but I really enjoyed the story. I didn't get annoyed with the heroine, which is rare, and I think it is the DH novel I enjoyed the most since Acheron came out.

Now, last week I finished reading Black Hills by Nora Roberts. This is the first NR book I've ever read, it was decent for a contempary. We all know I am not a fan of the contemp. genre. The reason I read it was because the heroine, Lil, was working in a career field I originally wanted. I would have if it wasn't for my near fail in Molecular Bio and having to drop Botany because I just couldn't tell a slide from a fern cell from a slide of an algae cell. I wanted to work with the big cats among others, but mostly the cats. Lil had lions, tigers, cougars, jags, leopards, bobcats, lynxes....yeah. I was in career lust with that book. It was actually quite good, but...

What happened to a good resolution? You go through all 400+ pages of rising action, get to the climax, and have a really unsatisfying resolution. I wanted to know a little bit more about all the major points in the story. It just kinda ended a few pages after the climax. Oh well, we can't always get what we want, can we?
Monday, September 6, 2010

Book Signings and more

So on Wednesday Sherrilyn Kenyon will be signing in Savannah. Finally get to go to one of her signings myself rather than have a friend get a book signed for me. I am excited! I am told I have to tell her I edited the "Carnival of Rust" Dark-Hunter video, though I might be a bit embarressed. Fan tributes are fun to make, but I still feel nerdy when I fess up to having made them. LOL!

I added 4 new covers to my art page. Please remember I only did the covers on the cover art page, the LSB covers were not made by me. I only edited the book. But they do have some Gorgeous art work, do they not? I am going to be updating buy links on that page and adding buy links to the BP books sometime this month. I keep forgetting (sorry!)

FeverCon is only a few weeks away. I just bought some KILLER hot pink peeptoe heels for the Pink and Black Mac Ball. I can't wait to go hang out with my peeps from the KMM forum again. It's been too long!