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Sunday, August 28, 2011
Bored on Sunday? Write an Essay!


So after a releated conversation on facebook, without anything better to do with my Sunday afternoon I found myself five pages deep in Cruce. Not that I mind, I do loooooove him. But LOL I guess I am NEVER going to be done coming to his defense. MAJOR Fever series spoilers ahead if you found this on accident. I call this essay:
The Brilliance of Cruce:
He Would Have Gotten Away With It If Not For That Meddling MacKayla.
Rarely does an antagonist really make you think twice about all that he has done. Sure, it has happened in other stories, but in reference to Cruce of Karen Marie Moning’s Fever series, there is a gray area of ambiguity that remains in his wake. This area can be taken either way in many instances, and most readers believe the rapes of Aoibheal and MacKayla Lane leave Cruce a closed case that can never find redemption. To some extent I agree; rape is NEVER justified and is a terrible act of selfishness and violence. However, the point of this article is not to focus on the mechanics, motivations, or morality of the rapes, but to analyze the character of Cruce and expose him for who and what he is. As far as redemption goes, Cruce may be able to achieve it, but he is really going to have to work for it.
There is no denying, at the end of Shadowfever, that Cruce is an antithesis of himself: he is revealed to be both incredibly brilliant, but hovering on the cusp of complete insanity. He makes it to his end game, absorbs the Sinsar Dubh and is just moments away of completing all he set out to do a million or so years before. But because he could never drink from the Cauldron of forgetting to escape the threat of insanity, his final moments reveal him not so much as the glorious Unseelie prince who defies everyone to free a wrongly imprisoned race of beings and escapes prosecution for merely existing, but as a mad man who seeks complete and utter control as well as the destruction of anyone who stands in his path.
In a way, Cruce could be a heroic character if certain situations could have been avoided. There is an obvious undertone of the civil rights movement in the series. The Dark Fae were killed and imprisoned for merely being different than the Light Fae, for instance. But freeing the Unseelie was only half of what Cruce is after, he also wants ALL the Fae to be free of the Compact made with the human race, which would, in turn, make the human race victims to the Fae and making the hero of an act of prejudice the dictator in another one. However, as the books go on, his views on humans begin to change. He even works with them closely to keep them safe, fights alongside the protagonists, and is quite infatuated with one human in particular. There is a lot of hope for him to change his views, until the end of Shadowfever.
Though the change is sudden, his whole personality shifts when he drops the V’lane glamour and fully becomes Cruce. Even his dialogue changes from the arrogant, flowy, long sentences used as V’lane to shorter, choppier sentences that are blunt and to the point. For example, the first time we meet V’lane in Darkfever, this is what he says:
He's very articulate and chooses his worrds in order to assure the best impact. That being said, this is the kind of dialogue we get after he drops the V'lane glamour:“'It is nothing I do, sidhe-seer,’ it said. ‘It is what I am. I am every erotic dream you’ve ever had and a thousand more you’ve never thought of. I am sex that will turn you inside out and burn you down to ashes.’ It smiled. ‘And if I choose, I can make you whole again.” (Darkfever, 154)
The sentences are very straightforward and defensive. The short, simplistic sentences continue on as Mac pushes to find out why he would take part in the rape at the end of Faefever.“‘They would have killed you. They had never had a human woman. Darroc underestimated their ardor.’” (Shadowfever, 571)
Again, there is little feeling involved in what Cruce has to say. He appears to not be concerned about how Mac may feel about what he is saying. He is not even giving her the curtesy of putting thought into what he is saying. He says it point blank, knowing all the while it hurts Mac to hear it. Like a machine gun shooting several bullets per second, the short sentences are driven home in a rat, tat, tat, tat quick fashion.“‘I desired you. You refused me. I wearied of your protests. You wanted me. You thought about it. You were not even there. What difference?’” (Shadowfever, 571)
While the whole scene reads out as though, in the presence of the Unseelie King, Cruce is a disobedient child who is merely acting out because daddy just showed up to take the T-bird away, there is more to it. The father-child issue is too obvious and Cruce allows it to be in the forefront to divert the attention away from what lies underneath it. The main reason why he goes from the character we think we know to an almost unrecognizable one in the blink of an eye is summed up into two words: MacKayla Lane.
Cruce has the series of events all set up from the very beginning. He takes over V’lane’s persona and establishes Aoibheal as, first, his concubine, then a Fae princess, then as the Queen. By his own admission, “‘I encouraged where encouragement was useful’” (Shadowfever, 570) He molds Darroc into the perfect scapegoat and diversionary tactic. Cruce ensures that while everyone is watching the Lord Master free the Unseelie, tear the walls down, and hunt the Sinsar Dubh, he can place himself on the chess board and continue moving the pawns around unnoticed. However, he does not consider the fact he would develop feelings for one of the chess pieces on his game board. Inevitably, his feelings for Mac both save and destroy him.
Over the course of the series, as V’lane, he begins to soften towards Mac and form and unlikely “friendship” with the human. He desires her, but he even somewhat respects her wishes and “mutes” his Death-By-Sex mojo on her in order to make her feel more comfortable in his presence. At the same time, while Mac never fully trusts V’lane, she considers him an ally. On several occasions, Mac is even glad to see him; will smile at his appearance or run to greet him. What makes the situation so tragic when she runs to greet the false “V’lane” at the end of Faefever is that instead of saving her from his brethren, Cruce betrays her by participating in the act as well.
His participation is purely selfish. He shows up in the middle of the act, after Mac already begins to turn Pri-ya. His participation in this scene does benefit her in the end, though, and that is because he gives her the elixir that makes her just Fae enough to survive what is being done to her. Does it justify the act? No. But, as a result, Cruce’s elixir saves her life several other times in the series and allows her to be able to live forever alongside Jericho Barrons.
Cruce’s presence is contrasting to the other three princes for several reasons. One being that he is gentle where the others have not had sex for over a million years. Mac states he is the most terrifying of all because of his gentle caresses, but also because she cannot see who it is. Since Mac’s mind was already mostly gone at this point, her fear is moist likely due to the fact that instinctively she knows the person being gentle with her is more than likely someone she knows, and that is why they remain hidden. It is important that Cruce used his true form in this scene; he does not rape Mac in the form of V’lane. V’lane is the handsome, golden prince who lives to obey the command of his queen, or Mac. Cruce answers to nobody, and nothing is going to keep him from what he wants. He takes Mac as himself, but remains hidden still. Not only because no one is aware Cruce is still alive, but because he is not ready for Mac to know him as Cruce despite of what he is doing to her.
The most ambiguous of his actions is in what he plans to do with Mac after the rape has ended. He hovers around as though he is going to allow Darroc to use her in the Pri-ya state to track the book. Yet, he allows Dani to take Mac away when, if he is the shadowy figure that was able to get in her way as it appears he is. He allows Mac’s ally to take her rather than her enemy, all the while he cannot act himself without showing his hand and revealing himself as Cruce. He is furious when the wards keeping Unseelie out of the abbey go down and Jericho Barrons has already taken Mac away. Not only was he willing to be the one to “save” Mac, but he also lost out on a chance to track with Mac’s complete obedience to only him. Because he cared enough to let Dani have Mac rather than Darroc, he made path to the end game more difficult.
When he finally sees Mac again, he apologizes for the sake of his brethren:
His head is bowed, he is avoiding all eye contact, and he is not only apologizing for the other princes but for himself. He cannot bring himself to say what it was that happened to her. Not sure if one could go as far to say this is his showing shame for what he did, so much as knowing he took part in hurting her, not being able to admit he took part in it, and knowing humans have a tendency for forgiving over time. Maybe he hoped this would help her, but the fact he bowed at all in her presence showed some respect is there, despite everything that has happened prior to this scene. And is one of many instances that show Cruce cares about what Mac thinks of him.“’A thousand apologies could not atone for the harm my brethren were permitted to inflict upon you. It sickens me that you were—‘He broke off, bowing his head even more deeply, as if he couldn’t bring himself to go on.” (Dreamfever, 67).
The moment in which this is really driven home is when Cruce is about to drop his V’lane glamour for good:
Even here, his dialogue begins to get choppy and defensive as the switch is about to occur. After this moment, his attitude makes him uncaring about what he has done or is willing to do. However, his in this instance it is almost as though he is pleading with Mac to remember that he did everything for a reason. He takes a long glance at her, as though remembering her at this moment, before she can grow to truly hate him. At this point she is afraid of him and confused by the turn of events, but it is not until he becomes Cruce that she truly begins to hate him. He is almost begging her to keep what he is saying in this scene in mind as the next one begins to unfold.“’Still you wear V’lane’s face. What do you fear?’ the king said.
‘I fear nothing.’ But his gaze lingered on me a long moment. ‘I fight for my race, MacKayla. I have since I was born. He would conceal us in shame and condemn us to a half life. Remember that. There are reasons for all I have done.’” (Shadowfever, 570)
In order to make my next point, we must look at how Cruce’s hate for the Unseelie King stems from both the neglect of the king’s full attention or concern and a lack of an understanding of emotions. Because of the Unseelie King’s love of the concubine, Aoibheal, the king does not devote himself to the Unseelie he created and does not really concern himself with what happens to them. Because Cruce does not understand why the king loves this mortal woman more than his own children, the anger continues to build up until, when sentenced to death for merely existing, it overcomes Cruce so completely that it becomes his life’s mission to free his brethren and take his father’s crown; to start over with the Unseelie with a different approach. Cruce believes that by loving a mortal and having no concern for the Fae makes the Unseelie King weak and undeserving of the power he wields. After taking the concubine away from the king and utilizing her as a pawn in Seelie affairs, he becomes comfortable in the V’lane glamour he set in place. He lives the lives of two beings. He is Cruce, calculating, efficient, and struggling to not become a victim of circumstance like the rest of the Unseelie. But he is also V’lane, seemingly loyal to his race, a leader and ,unlike his Unseelie brothers, free.
When he meets Mac and begins to get to know her, he begins to understand what the Unseelie King felt for the concubine. Following in similar footsteps, he alters Mac to where she cannot die, not just because she is useful but because he cares for her. Afterwards, when it results in her becoming stronger and able to see him in his truest form, he begins hoping to take her to be his princess, telling her “’You are queenly in your own right” (Dreamfever, 69). As he hopes to become the future king of the Fae, she would become his queen. Which makes the dual meaning of the following exchange really interesting:
To an extent, he was. He was with the woman he would have as his queen during that scene. And when previously she comments that between the queen and herself, she was the expendable one to him, it can be regarded as though he meant the Mac that existed then was expendable in order to find the book. While Jericho Barrons believes the elixir was given to Mac to keep her Pri-ya forever, it does not make a lot of sense to believe Cruce would not have cured her of being Pri-ya after having the book in his possession; he was too proud of her ability to view a Fae in its true form to be satisfied with an empty shell for his queen.“’Maybe the fourth was you, V’lane. How do I know it wasn’t?’
My skin frosted. When I shivered, crystals of ice fell in a small snowstorm to the sidewalk. ‘I was with my queen.’” (Dreamfever, 73).
As Cruce began to disregard using Mac for the Sinsar Dubh and planning to keep her for his own, it becomes apparent that his downfall is that he cared for Mac too much. His V’lane glamour allowed him the freedom to care for her. But as Cruce, caring for her would make him weak. One of the themes in the Fever series, especially in Shadowfever, is duality. And Cruce versus V’lane is one of the major examples of duality at work in the series. For example, he even refers to himself as separate entities after it becomes clear he is one and the same:
As long as he is in V’lane’s form, he cannot fully accept himself as Cruce. Whether it is denying his presence in the rape, keeping his existence secret or even making a simple statement about himself, there is definitely a rift between both personalities. Maybe it is because he hasn’t drunk from the Cauldron and is becoming unhinged, or maybe it is because V’lane has become a shield for Cruce. He can do anything in the name of his cause and fall back on the fact that, as V’lane, he has never done those things since V’lane lives to serve Aoibheal. He’s lived a life behind a mask, and now that it is time to take the mask off, what lies underneath may not be overly recognizable to even himself.“’I wanted you to accept me as I was, but—how is it you say?—my reputation preceded me. Others filled your head with lies about Cruce, I endeavored to correct them, open your eyes.’” (Shadowfever, 569)
To elaborate, the personality shift from V’lane to Cruce can be closely connected to his feelings for Mac. He tells her all he has done is for a reason, then he changes form and does not sugar coat anything else he says. Whereas, as V’lane, he wanted her to want him as he is, as Cruce he seems to want her to hate him. He cannot admit to himself or the Unseelie King he has feelings for a human when he is telling the king he did what he did because the king loved the concubine. He has ultimately trapped himself with a double standard. Had he not cared for Mac, he could have made her Pri-ya at any time and used her to get the book as he ultimately set out to do in Darkfever when he offered her his cuff after trying to seduce her and learning she had a stronger will than he expected.
Cruce would have found a way to get the Sinsar Dubh eventually, but because he develops feelings for Mac, he is trapped within himself. Taking away the freedom the V’lane glamour allowed Cruce forces him into the corner he created for himself by believing that feelings made one too weak to be the king of the Fae. While Cruce may not have been locked away in the Unseelie Prison, he was still a prisoner of his own design. First, he was locked away in the form of a Seelie Prince to keep his existence unknown, and afterwards it becomes represented by the fact that he is now frozen in all his glory beneath the abbey. Should he ever be let out, he will not truly be free until he can stop living for a cause and start living for himself.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
The Fever Series: An Overview


Hello, my name is Victoria Miller, and I am a Moning Maniac. If you think this is a fanbase of tweens and teens, you're in the wrong place. While some teens do read the books, I wouldn't recommend allowing anyone under the age of 18 to do so due to adult content, eroticism, and all that other good stuff you get with an R rating on television and in the movies.
Based on the fact so many articles have been published in relation to Variety's announcement of Dreamworks purchasing the the rights to make feature films based on the five book series (which is one continuous story split into five parts, not a book with four sequels, FYI.) it seems as though the lack of knowledge in the non-book communities has caused a trend of misinformation. While it is an epic story, comparing the series to Harry Potter, Twilight, and The Hunger Games is unfair in that, while those young adult series are all great in their own right, and Harry Potter is, well, it's Harry Potter...., the Fever series is an adult urban fantasy that has little to do with any of the aforementioned teen franchises.
I am going to take this opportunity to enlighten those who are unfamiliar with the story without giving away too much. Probably my favorite thing about this series (aside from my infamous literary love affair with V'lane) is Karen Marie Moning's use of foreshadowing. The major things may or may not be obvious as you read it and think "oh yeah, back when ____happened...," but if you re-read the books you will find you knew something, or something was referenced, from the very beginning. Even from the prologue of the first book. So, avoiding spoiling the really good stuff, this is what you need to know:
The story is told through the eyes of MacKayla Lane. Raised in the fictional town of Ashford, Georgia, Mac begins her story appearing to be a blond "Barbie" type who cares little for much outside of glamour, boys...and fast cars. By the end of the last book we will find Mac has changed so much in so little time that you almost feel sad she had to mature so fast in the ways she was forced to do so (but don't worry, the character development is done VERY well)...if that made eyes just crossed re-reading that sentence. When her sister Alina is murdered in Ireland, Mac's only clue to what happened is left in a cell phone voice mail. Mac travels to Dublin to solve the murder herself (and seek revenge on Alina's killer) when the investigators close the case.
Upon her arrival, Mac runs into a enigmatic bookstore owner, Jericho Barrons, at Barrons Books and Baubles. Not only does he have the information to help her locate (and learn about) the Sinsar Dubh, an evil book of dark magic created over a million years ago by the Unseelie King himself that is responsible for a slew of violent murders and suicides across Dublin, but Barrons also informs Mac that she is a Sidhe-seer; someone who can see through Fae glamour and, in Mac's case, have other extraordinary gifts.
Together they hunt for OOPs (Fae Objects of Power), which leads to Mac's possession of one of the only two weapons known to be able to kill the Fae: The Spear of Destiny. As Mac learns more about her heritage, upon learning she and her sister were adopted, Mac meets other Sidhe-seers, including Dani (the ONLY teenage character in the books and is too feckin' awesome to be censored into a PG movie) who has superspeed and other enhanced senses, and often wields the other weapon: The Sword of Light. Together they kick so much Faery ass that they eventually lose count.
Mac is not the only person who is seeking the Sinsar Dubh. Barrons wants it for his own reasons, but he isn't one to share secrets willingly. Then there is V'lane, sent, he says, by the Seelie Queen to use the book to restore the falling walls between the Fae and Human realms. He's lethally seductive, so much so that sex with him could turn a woman "Pri-ya" (someone so addicted to Fae sex that it becomes their only function) or could kill them from the pleasure of it. Then there is Darroc, the Lord Master. A former Fae (who's fall is witnessed in The Immortal Highlander, by Karen Marie Moning. Part of the Highlander romance series which introduced the Fae and preceded Charlaine Harris' introduction of fae into the Sookie Stackhouse (TrueBlood) novels; I am looking at you those people about to compare those Fae to Karen's! Don't do it!) who seeks to free the Unseelie from their prison and make the Fae gods among the humans. Christian MacKeltar, part of a highland clan of Druids who seek to keep the walls from falling and forcing Fae and Human realms to collide. And the Sidhe-seers, who may have actually been the reason the book has gone missing in the first place.
Over the course of the books, Mac learns more about the history of the Tuatha De Danann, the beautiful, elitist Seelie and the abominations known as the Unseelie. She must battle the Shades: creatures of no physical form that dwell in true darkness and cannot enter the light. They instantly devour anything living, leaving only a dried up husk behind. Royal Hunters: Dragon-like creatures that look like the classic depiction of the devil, and were responsible for hunting and slaugtering the sidhe-seers before the compact between Man and Fae existed. The Gray Man, an Unseelie so ugly that he steals the beauty of others, leaving them either rotting away or dead when he is through. Malluce, born the son of a wealthy family and claiming to be a real life vampire, but appearances are often deceiving. (please note...Malluce is a very MINOR character with only a small pivotal role in two of the books)
Throughout her journey, Mac steals from Irish mobsters, is tortured and brutalized, lost within the Fae realms, has really, really epic sex, loses everything and more than she thought she had to lose, and may or may not be the key to saving the world from a slightly insane being seeking the ultimate power: the Sinsar Dubh.
And if that isn't enough to keep you glued to your chair while reading, there is always the mystery of Barrons and the eight others like him; what are they? How did they get that way? What is Barrons up to? What the hell does Ryodan look like anyway? What is V'lane or Darroc or the Sidhe-Seers really up to for that matter? Who is responsible for Alina's murder? What happens to Mac in her darkest hour? Who does Mac find herself responsible for killing? What the K'Vruck is a K'Vruck? What happens if she presses IYD (If You're Dying) on the phone Barrons gave her?And finally, just where is the elusive Unseelie King whose book is the cause of everything that is going on?
Want to find out? Catch the fever!
Book 1: Darkfever
Book 2: Bloodfever
Book 3: Faefever
Book 4: Dreamfever
Book 5: Shadowfever
visit karen's message boards at her website for in dept book discussions and more:
Like the fever series, don't miss the two official soundtracks
BloodRush and Shadowsong
and last but not least, please keep major spoilers out of the comments should you reply so those who have yet to read can enjoy the fun of finding out on their own. Thank you!
Based on the fact so many articles have been published in relation to Variety's announcement of Dreamworks purchasing the the rights to make feature films based on the five book series (which is one continuous story split into five parts, not a book with four sequels, FYI.) it seems as though the lack of knowledge in the non-book communities has caused a trend of misinformation. While it is an epic story, comparing the series to Harry Potter, Twilight, and The Hunger Games is unfair in that, while those young adult series are all great in their own right, and Harry Potter is, well, it's Harry Potter...., the Fever series is an adult urban fantasy that has little to do with any of the aforementioned teen franchises.
I am going to take this opportunity to enlighten those who are unfamiliar with the story without giving away too much. Probably my favorite thing about this series (aside from my infamous literary love affair with V'lane) is Karen Marie Moning's use of foreshadowing. The major things may or may not be obvious as you read it and think "oh yeah, back when ____happened...," but if you re-read the books you will find you knew something, or something was referenced, from the very beginning. Even from the prologue of the first book. So, avoiding spoiling the really good stuff, this is what you need to know:
The story is told through the eyes of MacKayla Lane. Raised in the fictional town of Ashford, Georgia, Mac begins her story appearing to be a blond "Barbie" type who cares little for much outside of glamour, boys...and fast cars. By the end of the last book we will find Mac has changed so much in so little time that you almost feel sad she had to mature so fast in the ways she was forced to do so (but don't worry, the character development is done VERY well)...if that made eyes just crossed re-reading that sentence. When her sister Alina is murdered in Ireland, Mac's only clue to what happened is left in a cell phone voice mail. Mac travels to Dublin to solve the murder herself (and seek revenge on Alina's killer) when the investigators close the case.
Upon her arrival, Mac runs into a enigmatic bookstore owner, Jericho Barrons, at Barrons Books and Baubles. Not only does he have the information to help her locate (and learn about) the Sinsar Dubh, an evil book of dark magic created over a million years ago by the Unseelie King himself that is responsible for a slew of violent murders and suicides across Dublin, but Barrons also informs Mac that she is a Sidhe-seer; someone who can see through Fae glamour and, in Mac's case, have other extraordinary gifts.
Together they hunt for OOPs (Fae Objects of Power), which leads to Mac's possession of one of the only two weapons known to be able to kill the Fae: The Spear of Destiny. As Mac learns more about her heritage, upon learning she and her sister were adopted, Mac meets other Sidhe-seers, including Dani (the ONLY teenage character in the books and is too feckin' awesome to be censored into a PG movie) who has superspeed and other enhanced senses, and often wields the other weapon: The Sword of Light. Together they kick so much Faery ass that they eventually lose count.
Mac is not the only person who is seeking the Sinsar Dubh. Barrons wants it for his own reasons, but he isn't one to share secrets willingly. Then there is V'lane, sent, he says, by the Seelie Queen to use the book to restore the falling walls between the Fae and Human realms. He's lethally seductive, so much so that sex with him could turn a woman "Pri-ya" (someone so addicted to Fae sex that it becomes their only function) or could kill them from the pleasure of it. Then there is Darroc, the Lord Master. A former Fae (who's fall is witnessed in The Immortal Highlander, by Karen Marie Moning. Part of the Highlander romance series which introduced the Fae and preceded Charlaine Harris' introduction of fae into the Sookie Stackhouse (TrueBlood) novels; I am looking at you those people about to compare those Fae to Karen's! Don't do it!) who seeks to free the Unseelie from their prison and make the Fae gods among the humans. Christian MacKeltar, part of a highland clan of Druids who seek to keep the walls from falling and forcing Fae and Human realms to collide. And the Sidhe-seers, who may have actually been the reason the book has gone missing in the first place.
Over the course of the books, Mac learns more about the history of the Tuatha De Danann, the beautiful, elitist Seelie and the abominations known as the Unseelie. She must battle the Shades: creatures of no physical form that dwell in true darkness and cannot enter the light. They instantly devour anything living, leaving only a dried up husk behind. Royal Hunters: Dragon-like creatures that look like the classic depiction of the devil, and were responsible for hunting and slaugtering the sidhe-seers before the compact between Man and Fae existed. The Gray Man, an Unseelie so ugly that he steals the beauty of others, leaving them either rotting away or dead when he is through. Malluce, born the son of a wealthy family and claiming to be a real life vampire, but appearances are often deceiving. (please note...Malluce is a very MINOR character with only a small pivotal role in two of the books)
Throughout her journey, Mac steals from Irish mobsters, is tortured and brutalized, lost within the Fae realms, has really, really epic sex, loses everything and more than she thought she had to lose, and may or may not be the key to saving the world from a slightly insane being seeking the ultimate power: the Sinsar Dubh.
And if that isn't enough to keep you glued to your chair while reading, there is always the mystery of Barrons and the eight others like him; what are they? How did they get that way? What is Barrons up to? What the hell does Ryodan look like anyway? What is V'lane or Darroc or the Sidhe-Seers really up to for that matter? Who is responsible for Alina's murder? What happens to Mac in her darkest hour? Who does Mac find herself responsible for killing? What the K'Vruck is a K'Vruck? What happens if she presses IYD (If You're Dying) on the phone Barrons gave her?And finally, just where is the elusive Unseelie King whose book is the cause of everything that is going on?
Want to find out? Catch the fever!
Book 1: Darkfever
Book 2: Bloodfever
Book 3: Faefever
Book 4: Dreamfever
Book 5: Shadowfever
visit karen's message boards at her website for in dept book discussions and more:
Like the fever series, don't miss the two official soundtracks
BloodRush and Shadowsong
and last but not least, please keep major spoilers out of the comments should you reply so those who have yet to read can enjoy the fun of finding out on their own. Thank you!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Fever Series Movie Franchise Picked Up by Dreamworks


Around the time of Faefever's release there was a lot of buzz around 20th Century Fox buying the rights to the Fever series. The release on it read pretty great...aside from saying Mac was a teenage girl. However, Fox never went through and the rights eventually went back to Karen to resell to another studio. At FeverCon in 2010, when asked about it, Karen stated that she was more protective of the series now than she was then and would only sign on the dotted line if she knew the series was going to be done correctly. Well, it appears something is likely to happen now as Dreamworks Studio released an artcile in Vanity (read it here) stated that Dreamworks has the rights to the movie franchise, which is fantastic. Though they are using the hype around the Harry Potter, Twilight and Hunger Games franchises as a basis to compare it to...Hopefully, this does not mean they are going to gear the series towards a teenage audience, as it is an adult themed series and watering it down for teens would diminish the quality considerablly.
However, I have faith that more Fever in my life can only be better than no more Fever in my life, and a real-life V'lane (if blond) will be the best thing since sliced bread for this Moning Maniac. Here's hoping the project gets a greenlight and goes on to cause more audiences to catch the fever! Congratulations Karen! We all know you're a star, and now it is time Hollywood catches on too!
While waiting for more information, fans are taking to Facebook and Twitter and sharing the news. #FeverMovie on Twitter is the tag currently in use. And some people (I admit to nothing) have already tweeted to Kristen Bell and Katie Cassidy about audtioning for Mac, and Joe Manganiello about Barrons and Ian Somerhalder for Christian or the Dreamy-Eyed Guy. And visited Eric Etebari's Facebook page as well as he is the inspiration behind Jericho Barrons.
On Twitter:
Eric Etebari: @EricEtebari
Kristen Bell: @IMKristenBell
Katie Cassidy: @MzKatieCassidy
Joe Manganiello: @joemanganiello
Ian Somerhalder: @iansomerhalder
However, I have faith that more Fever in my life can only be better than no more Fever in my life, and a real-life V'lane (if blond) will be the best thing since sliced bread for this Moning Maniac. Here's hoping the project gets a greenlight and goes on to cause more audiences to catch the fever! Congratulations Karen! We all know you're a star, and now it is time Hollywood catches on too!
While waiting for more information, fans are taking to Facebook and Twitter and sharing the news. #FeverMovie on Twitter is the tag currently in use. And some people (I admit to nothing) have already tweeted to Kristen Bell and Katie Cassidy about audtioning for Mac, and Joe Manganiello about Barrons and Ian Somerhalder for Christian or the Dreamy-Eyed Guy. And visited Eric Etebari's Facebook page as well as he is the inspiration behind Jericho Barrons.
On Twitter:
Eric Etebari: @EricEtebari
Kristen Bell: @IMKristenBell
Katie Cassidy: @MzKatieCassidy
Joe Manganiello: @joemanganiello
Ian Somerhalder: @iansomerhalder
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Mermaids, Romance, & Adventure... OH MY!


When I was a little girl, any time I was in water (be it the ocean, the pool, or the bathtub) I was a mermaid. When Disney's The Little Mermaid came out, this increased my inner desire to be this beautiful creature that could see and breath under water. I always thought, hey...that would be so freaking cool.
I was wandering through Books-a-Million (as I often do) when the cover for this book, Siren's Call, Book 1 of the Dark Tides series by Devyn Quinn caught my eye. Even before becoming a cover artist, I have the tendency to impulse buy something that has just down right gorgeous artwork. (I found Virginia Kantra's Children of the Sea novels through their artwork, and I spent a small fortune importing used copies of the original UK Pointe Horror collection covers of the original printing of LJ Smith's The Forbidden Game because their covers were gorgeous) Anyway.... The cover was pretty and I impulsed bought without even reading the description. (I do that when hot blond men grace covers too. It is like a surprise sometimes what the book is actually about. Keeps it interesting.) So...Based on the title I naturally assumed the heroine was a Greek Siren. To keep with the surprise, I didn't read the synopsis before starting to read and the first bit kinda went along with that them....then ta da! The heroine is a mermaid!
While Mermaids are in a lot of folklore and here or there in stories I read or in movies I watch, I hadn't actually read any of the "mermaid" romances. There are a good bit, but they aren't taking up as much of the shelf space as say...vampires or werewolves.
As for the story itself, I felt I could relate to the heroine at several points of the book. She has a personality that is similar to mine. I have the tendency to push people away when they try to get close to me because I can't handle the attention properly and she had the same reflex...God, I didn't know I was that annoying! LMAO. Anyway, I liked the hero too....he was just too "nice" for me to LOVE him. And I am not just saying that because he isn't blond. I would have prefered a bit more of an alpha male, but it wouldn't have worked with her personality very well and he would have pushed her away in his forwardness within the first 20 pages.
Now...slight spoilers ahead, but will refrain from anything major.
The book starts off with the basic paranormal premise: Guy likes girl, she is mutually attracted. One is paranormal. The other figures it out. They deal. They hump. They wake up the next morning all shades of WTF and they deal with that. Enter the antagonist: the evil, super hot blond ex. (Why do they bad apples always have to be blond lately. I object!!!!)
Midway through the book it goes from relationship drama, thank god because I was wondering if it was nearly 400 pages of relationship drama or if something supernatural was going to occur to stir trouble. I got my wish, but it wasn't anything like I thought would happen. At all! Evil Blond Ex is an archaeologist who is using his knowledge of the Mer to seek fame and fortune by looking for historical fact to prove their existence without actually outing the heroine and her family in the process. While he is a loathsome character, he is vastly entertaining and supposedly very attractive so I did enjoy most of his page time.
When they embark on their journey into the Mediterranean sea, it goes from simple paranormal romance to more action/adventure and I think I really really got into it at that point. Things of course do not go smoothly and FINALLY events occur that bring about a story arc to continue through the books other than the fact the heroine has two mermaid sisters. I just ordered a copy of book two, Siren's Surrender. I am looking forward to seeing how things progress. Book three comes out Feb 7, 2012.
And for those wondering about the Sexiness factor. There's a lot of chemistry between the two characters, but the romance is more sweet and intimate than lust bunny humpage every 5 minutes. While it would have been nice to see more intimate scenes between the characters, it got weird there when Blond Hunk of No Good came back into the picture, but I don't think it took away from the characters or the story any.
I was wandering through Books-a-Million (as I often do) when the cover for this book, Siren's Call, Book 1 of the Dark Tides series by Devyn Quinn caught my eye. Even before becoming a cover artist, I have the tendency to impulse buy something that has just down right gorgeous artwork. (I found Virginia Kantra's Children of the Sea novels through their artwork, and I spent a small fortune importing used copies of the original UK Pointe Horror collection covers of the original printing of LJ Smith's The Forbidden Game because their covers were gorgeous) Anyway.... The cover was pretty and I impulsed bought without even reading the description. (I do that when hot blond men grace covers too. It is like a surprise sometimes what the book is actually about. Keeps it interesting.) So...Based on the title I naturally assumed the heroine was a Greek Siren. To keep with the surprise, I didn't read the synopsis before starting to read and the first bit kinda went along with that them....then ta da! The heroine is a mermaid!
While Mermaids are in a lot of folklore and here or there in stories I read or in movies I watch, I hadn't actually read any of the "mermaid" romances. There are a good bit, but they aren't taking up as much of the shelf space as say...vampires or werewolves.
As for the story itself, I felt I could relate to the heroine at several points of the book. She has a personality that is similar to mine. I have the tendency to push people away when they try to get close to me because I can't handle the attention properly and she had the same reflex...God, I didn't know I was that annoying! LMAO. Anyway, I liked the hero too....he was just too "nice" for me to LOVE him. And I am not just saying that because he isn't blond. I would have prefered a bit more of an alpha male, but it wouldn't have worked with her personality very well and he would have pushed her away in his forwardness within the first 20 pages.
Now...slight spoilers ahead, but will refrain from anything major.
The book starts off with the basic paranormal premise: Guy likes girl, she is mutually attracted. One is paranormal. The other figures it out. They deal. They hump. They wake up the next morning all shades of WTF and they deal with that. Enter the antagonist: the evil, super hot blond ex. (Why do they bad apples always have to be blond lately. I object!!!!)
Midway through the book it goes from relationship drama, thank god because I was wondering if it was nearly 400 pages of relationship drama or if something supernatural was going to occur to stir trouble. I got my wish, but it wasn't anything like I thought would happen. At all! Evil Blond Ex is an archaeologist who is using his knowledge of the Mer to seek fame and fortune by looking for historical fact to prove their existence without actually outing the heroine and her family in the process. While he is a loathsome character, he is vastly entertaining and supposedly very attractive so I did enjoy most of his page time.
When they embark on their journey into the Mediterranean sea, it goes from simple paranormal romance to more action/adventure and I think I really really got into it at that point. Things of course do not go smoothly and FINALLY events occur that bring about a story arc to continue through the books other than the fact the heroine has two mermaid sisters. I just ordered a copy of book two, Siren's Surrender. I am looking forward to seeing how things progress. Book three comes out Feb 7, 2012.
And for those wondering about the Sexiness factor. There's a lot of chemistry between the two characters, but the romance is more sweet and intimate than lust bunny humpage every 5 minutes. While it would have been nice to see more intimate scenes between the characters, it got weird there when Blond Hunk of No Good came back into the picture, but I don't think it took away from the characters or the story any.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Covers Added


Added NINE new covers to the blog and updated the links since I kept putting it off till there were a whole lot. LOL. I would love to stay and go off on a random tangent but I have to work on edits now and clean the apartment. Till next time!
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