Monday, January 24, 2011

Covers and Editing pages are updated

FINALLY got those pages updated. All the books I have edited are up, including the one I am working on. Remember, I only edited the LSB ones, I didn't do the covers. But I figure it is more fun to look at with the images. LOL  All my cover art stuff is update with links and all. *wipes away the sweat*

I am going to be a busy little bee for the next few months. I still haven't gotten a new job, so I am broke as all hell right now, but I have 6 more books in my queue for editing with LSB. 3 each from two authors I have worked with before. So if I can pull off one every 2 weeks it would work out for the best. I think I might be in zombie territory though, so if I am a bit cranky...not my fault.  I may or may not continue with the top ten thingies. It depends on time.

